Oh, Hey!

Thanks so much for being here!

Here’s a little bit about me… I grew up in Austin, TX but have lived in the Houston area since graduating from Texas A&M in 2013. I studied psychology in college but didn’t really know what I wanted to do after graduation... I got a job in sales and worked in the corporate world until 2018 when I took a huge leap of faith and quit to pursue a career in creative entrepreneurship! (I’ve also had a part time job for about 9 years now as a private tutor, which I also love!)

I’ve been married to my husband John for 7 years and we are parents to our sweet 2 year old son, Cole Mason. Being his mama is a dream come true and it brings my heart so much joy.

In 2018, I began making handmade cards for a close friend going through chemo for breast cancer, which totally lit a fire inside of me but I quickly realized that hand making each card was not be a sustainable business plan. So in 2019, I started teaching myself how to paint with watercolor and do calligraphy so I could digitize my card designs. From here, I did custom wedding invitations for a couple of years but officially retired those from my business in 2021. I realized that I wanted to focus more on surface pattern design and art licensing so that’s where most of my focus goes now (at least during nap times since that’s the only time I get to work, being a stay at home mom!)

I was never planning on becoming an artist/entrepreneur when I grew up but here I am… & although I have struggled deeply with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, I wake up every morning feeling blessed that I get to do art for a living.

Never in my wildest d

reams did I think this would be my career, since I had never even picked up a paintbrush before just a few years ago, but the Lord has truly blessed me with this opportunity and I’m grateful for it every single day!


Although a part of my work is concentrated on custom pieces such as watercolor house portraits and custom calligraphy, I absolutely LOVE creating patterns from my artwork. I have my pattern portfolio that you can check out here if you’re interested! I sell my own line of greeting cards and other stationery products - available here on my website or on my Etsy shop.

You can also now buy fabric, wallpaper and home decor items with my designs through my Spoonflower shop!

When I’m not taking care of Cole, hosting a zoom tutoring session, or making a mess painting, you can most likely bet that I’m either listening to, watching, or reading stories about True Crime.

A few other things I love are… traveling, reading, writing, and spending time at our family farm in Centerville, TX!

I have a goal to read 30 books by the end of 2024!

Reach out to me if you have any good book recommendations!

With all my heart, thank you for being here!

with love, Haley